Reflections on SBIRT Training

The BCS staff has had time to reflect on the SBIRT training provided by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH). Here are some reactions to the one day training that covered the Screening and Brief Intervention/Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) tool, motivational interviewing, and stages of change.

“The most instructive part of the training was the section on “reflective listening” based on Carl Rogers client-centered approach. This tool facilitates an interaction that flows more like a conversation - not an interrogation. This technique gives the client more opportunities to share their thoughts and experiences. Also, it gives the practitioner information that might have been missed by just asking questions. I believe that when put into practice; it will allow us to connect with the client more effectively. This approach will also differentiate us from the criminal justice system whose role is to pass judgment on the case. B.C.S. on the other hand, is an organization offering help and alternatives to incarceration.”
Orleny Rojas
Resource Coordinator

"I appreciated the reminder that our clients typically know what they need--they don't need us to tell them that. What they need is for us to explain what services are available to meet those needs. I feel like understanding this allows for a more collaborative and productive relationship."
Carrie Potts
Resource Coordinator

“One thing that stood out for me is that moving toward evidence-based practice deters practitioners from being subjective/arbitrary or doing what "feels right" or what seems to work for others. This drug and alcohol assessment tool has shown to have validity in different environments and across cultures and languages.”
Saudi Encarnacion
Clinical Coordinator

“More than anything, the training reminded me of the importance a first impression can make on a client/potential client (even from something as simple as the tone of our voice, or a first glance). As someone who has been working with this population for four years, I have become quite used to the environment in and around the Bronx Criminal Courthouse. However, there are tons of people who pass through my office and the courthouse on a daily basis who are having their first experience with the criminal justice system. It's important to not lose track of the fact that as an alternatives to incarceration agency, we're here to assist in any way possible - and it all starts with that initial interaction.

While Bronx Community Solutions is not certain exactly how the SBIRT process will be implemented into our operation, one place it may definitely help is with screening potential clients who are waiting for arraignment (prior to sentencing). By utilizing the SBIRT process, court staff will able to better determine the type of sentence (whether it's something as simple as an Individual Counseling Session or something more involved such as treatment) that is most appropriate for each client.”
Danny Abriano
Resource Coordinator
