We want to hear from you!

If you've attended a meeting of our Community Advisory Board or an outreach event. If you live or work in the Bronx and you want to tell us about what's going on in your neighborhood. If you read our blog. If you work in the courts or law enforcement. If you work in public policy, government or social services. If you get involved in your community...

We'd like to hear your suggestions! Please add a comment to this post if you'd like to share an idea with other readers (click on "comments' at the bottom of this page). If you have a specific idea for a community service project or a social service, please contact us by clicking here or calling (718) 590-8573.


Muhammadz said…
the Bronx family court is a laugh. It is a zoo with no order and no professionalism. No one helps me. The judge, lawyer, ACS worker and all those involved are part of a plot to destroy the human family in the name of federal funding while kidnapping and saling our children to the highest bidder supposedly in "the best interest of the child". This horrendous practices called 'hearings, reunification plans, custody/visits' are horrific and illegal and immoral and inhumane yet it is still in full effect and still attack, degrade, destroy INNOCENT PARENTS and children and families. What manner of beast would do this to our children and our families? Please help me. If you have any information, advice, prayer, legal referrals, etc. I most certainly appreciate it. Thanking you advance. God bless.
Muhammadz posts a sentiment that, unfortunately, many people might agree with. Family Court is a challenging and difficult environment. However, as the administrators of Changing the Court, we ask that all posters keep their comments positive and constructive in keeping with our mission of improving the court's response to low-level crime. For assistance in Family Court, I recommend contacting the Bronx Defenders, at 860 Courtlandt Avenue, (718) 838-7878, or (800) 597-7980, or the Legal Aid Society in Room 6-C12 in the Family Court Complex or (718) 579-7900. In particular, the Bronx Defenders' "Parent Advocate Institute" offers an intensive 12-week CUNY accredited course for community members who wish to serve as advocates for the neighbors who may be investigated by ACS or undergoing Family Court proceedings.
Anonymous said…
I live in Sweden and was born in Utah! Both are very far from the Bronx. It would be interesting to do an exchange with NY kids. In Sweden??
Anonymous said…
the programs you have are a blessing to the people it serves.
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