New Reports on North Liverpool and Salford projects

Evaluation reports were released yesterday for the Salford and North Liverpool community justice projects in England (thanks to Julius Lang for the lead). You can view the reports here. To view the key findings, Read More...

- Strong judicial case management and close multi-agency collaboration has improved efficient court operation.

- Both projects developed a range of methods to improve public awareness of the work of the court, and increase the visibility of the judiciary and criminal justice agencies; as well as to directly involve local people in identifying priority offences and identifying local areas or facilities to be improved by offenders on unpaid work.

- Both projects focused on tackling the underlying issues which drive or perpetuate offending. The reports also found that increased direct engagement with defendants as well as the strong judicial leadership evident in North Liverpool has ensured a more tailored and responsive approach to offenders' needs.

- In both North Liverpool and Salford the judiciary, court staff and other professional stakeholders perceived that bringing offenders back to court for reviews of their community orders under Section 178 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 is effective in helping to motivate offenders successfully to complete their orders.

The North Liverpool section the City Of Liverpool website provides an interesting overview of urban development plans in the borough.
