Who Will Replace Judge Judith Kaye?

After 15 years as New York State's Chief Judge, Judge Kaye is retiring, and yesterday, New York State made the official announcement that it is seeking her replacement. This article from today's New York Sun explains the selection process and mentions at least three people who will be likely to apply for the position.


This is a shame, under her watch, I really have no idea where or how the responsibility of changing New York State Family Court forms, but under her watch is when this judiciary decided it was not going to let litigants make a mockery of the court. Before instituting this change, the trier of fact never knew the family make up of the petitioning parties. This left my child at a gross disadvantage, not having been supported for two entire years. The child's father was able to deny paternity in the support part and use "presumption of paternity" as a defense, while accepting paternity of the same child in the same court between the same parties. The Staten Island Coalition on Judicial and Social Awareness. (TSICJSA) www.tsicjsa.blogspot.com
Tabatha Rexach said…
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Sign the Petition for Civil Support Legal Representation Petition. http://www.petitiononline.com/atrisk/petition-sign.html. The reason for this initiative is to apprise the court that parents on the borough of Staten Island deserve fairly adjudicated civil support cases. Adhering to the "Best Interest Standards" on both sides of the adjudication of these standards. Thank you. TSICJSA www.tsicjsa.blogspot.com