A New Approach to Prostitution Offenses in Dallas
Much like in the Bronx, where offenders who are arrested for prostitution are often offered entry into potentially life-changing programs such as GEMS (Girls Educational and Mentoring Services) in lieu of incarceration, the police in Dallas are now aiming to offer the same types of alternatives - going as far as to treat each prostitute as a sex-crime victim.
In a report that appeared yesterday in the New York Times, this new initiative is profiled at length. The program that the initiative utilizes, Homeward Bound, is police-led. Once the offenders reach the courtroom (after they're screened by the police and social service agencies), they're given the option to enter Homeward Bound, provided they don't have any outstanding felony warrants. From there, the chance to change is up to them.
In a report that appeared yesterday in the New York Times, this new initiative is profiled at length. The program that the initiative utilizes, Homeward Bound, is police-led. Once the offenders reach the courtroom (after they're screened by the police and social service agencies), they're given the option to enter Homeward Bound, provided they don't have any outstanding felony warrants. From there, the chance to change is up to them.