Misdemeanants Who Can't Afford Bail Have Few Options

In a recent article that appeared on npr.org, the plight of low-level offenders who can't afford bail was given an in-depth look. Also examined was the amount of money the taxpayers spend to house these offenders. From arrest, to incarceration at Rikers Island (pictured above), to their eventual trial/release, life for these individuals often becomes a nightmare.

For offenders who believe they're innocent (such as 25 year old Shadu Green, who is profiled in the article at npr.com), their refusal to plead guilty and secure their release is sometimes due to the fact that another conviction on their record would make their job prospects almost non-existent. Their decision to fight the case and their inability to afford bail sometimes keeps them stuck behind bars for months.

Check out the full article at npr.com...
