Midtown Court Helps Ex-Criminals Become Better Dads - DNAinfo.com
MIDTOWN — After spending 13 years in prison, Joseph DeJesus is trying to turn his life around. But with no reliable source of income and seven children, it’s been a challenge.
"The transition from prison out into society is hard," said DeJesus, 37, who has now been searching for work for over a year and a half. "Sometimes I get frustrated," he said. "It’s very, very tough."
But in the last few months things have started to turn around. At family court in the Bronx, in trouble for missed child support payments, DeJesus was referred to the Midtown Community Court at 314 W. 54th St., a project of the Center for Court Innovation.
Read more: http://www.dnainfo.com/20110411/midtown/midtown-court-helps-excriminals-become-better-dads#ixzz1JET8D4GU