BCS Paints Over Graffiti in the 48th Precinct

At the end of last month we received a call from Community Affairs Officer Perez from the 48th Precinct asking for our help removing graffiti in his district. We decided on a date, and on May 14 we brought a crew of seven BCS participants over to a new location, 178th Street and Park Avenue. We covered the area including the MetroNorth overpass and spanning to an area that we had painted over before, expanding on our previous work. All participants worked with enthusiasm and it was a very productive day. Some of our participants started out expressing resistance about doing graffiti removal work, but by the end of the day they were smiling and proud of their work. Enjoy the pictures below.

- Ramon Semorile, Community Service Crew Supervisor
The area, before the crew painted

The finished product

The area now looks more well-tended
